Group Events

Alyce Marie holds practice groups for certified ThetaHealing® practitioners. These gatherings include teachings to deepen individual understanding of ThetaHealing®, gain confidence by working with other practitioners, receive personal healing during the class teachings from Alyce, from fellow practitioners during practice portion, and the chance to ask Alyce any questions related to ThetaHealing®. These events are always a wonderful time to dive deeply into the freedom of joy.

Alyce also holds Oneness Blessing circles that are open to everyone. These blessing circles deepen your personal relationship with the Divine. Everyone is welcome.

Alyce holds Oneness Blessing events for certified Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) givers. These events help deepen their experience of Oneness and freedom from personal suffering.

Please contact Alyce with any questions or with interest in hosting your own event or class.

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Date of Last Update: 9-1-2012
Oneness Blessing is a trademark of Oneness University and is used with permission.
Thetahealing is a trademark of Vianna's Nature's Path and is used under contract.
Copyright © 2006-2013 by For the Joy of It, All rights reserved.
Change Is One Belief Away®