Appreciation from Alyce Marie

This section is to offer thanks, gratitude and acknowledgement to the many who have contributed to my life path and decision to be a teacher and healing facilitator.

To my children, Margarette and Clint Combs. Thank you for teaching me what unconditional love really means. You are my master teachers. You have been through much in this life. We have been through much together. I have watched both of you transform your lives through the love and grace of God. Thank you for teaching me how to love.

To my husband, Bob Payne. Thank you for teaching me what receiving unconditional love feels like. Because of you, I truly know what it feels like to be loved, honored, cherished, adored and nurtured as I am in every moment. Your love is more than I knew to ask for. Thank you, God. Thank you, angels. Thank you for teaching me how to be loved.

To my parents, Rosemary and Donald Pentecost. Thank you for raising me with the knowing that I am loved. That sustained me many times during this life. Thank you for being the ultimate example of what it means to be available for others, willing and ready. You both are the definition of what showing up means to me. Your example is a shining light and inspires me to "show up" in more ways than I can explain.

To my beloved grandsons: Greyson Combs; and Ethan, Mason and Carson Payne. Thank you for letting me discover the joy of being Omi. This new adventure fills me with joy on every level.

To every student and client. Thank you for connecting with me in the sacred space of the Creator of All That Is. Our time together changes my life each and every time. This work fills me with gratitude.

Continuous appreciation.

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Date of Last Update: 01-10-2013
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